18. Oktober 2005
The (mobile) telephone plays a key role in the installation "A Soft Whisper", which includes a video and a sequence of fifteen paparazzi-style photo prints. On a monitor, we can see a man and a woman walking in a street, apparently deep in thought about relationship problems. The video still prints are not taken from the video we see in the installation, but refer to conversations over a period of time. Nor do the voices heard with the video betray that the subtitles do not illustrate the words spoken by the characters on the photos. The male character's lines are transposed into those of women, and vice versa. As more often with these artists, Komen and Murphy are playing with the credibility of the image and the viewer's expectations. In their works the private lives of People and their relationships play an important role. The viewer sees fragments of people's private lives but it is unclear what is reality or fiction.