2015 /

Ein Projekt von Serafine Lindemann und Juan Carlos Betancourt


Interdisciplinary dialogue between science, art and economy.
La gota justa: historia mundial del agua (fairdrop: a global history of water) is an interdisciplinary project exploring the subject of water not only from an artistic point of view, but also from that of experts and scientists interested in the new prospects for economic sustainability based on ideas such as virtual water and the rational use of water resources.
The artistic part of the project is made up of two performances: Ciclo (Cycle), taking an existential angle, by Zhenia Couso Martell; La gota justa (fairdrop), a social approach, by Lucia Dellefant. These performances tackle the issue of water from different perspectives but with the shared aim of encouraging a new kind of sensibility in the spectator, an awareness of the ever more alarming increase of water scarcity and the progressive desertification of large regions of our planet.


CICLO CYCLE - Zhenia Couso Martell (Cuba)

Ciclo (Cycle) arose from my experience with the ENEMA Collective. In it I reinterpret Edgar Echavarría’s idea of emptying a bucket of water over his head, then collecting it up and tipping it out again until the liquid has eva- porated.
What I do in Ciclo (Cycle) is to slow down this cyclical process. I drip the water on my head until it is exhausted, highlighting the frugality of a constant and subjectively infinite experience of this vital component of our existence.

La gota justa - fairdrop - Lucia Dellefant (Alemania)

Lucia Dellefant developed a pilot project that helped, in a direct, pleasant and practical way, to spread the idea of virtual water and our responsibility as consumers in this process. For this she conceived a multifunctional wooden sculpture to be put in a public space. The module can be used as a display-case, bookcase, bench or walkway. The t-shirts hung on it are of different sizes and colours and are printed with the following text: “Each of us owns a few of these. Every t-shirt holds approximately 3000 litres of virtual water, the quantity needed to produce it. Consumers currently have no idea how much liquid is needed to make this kind of product, nor even what parts of the world this water comes from”.

Historia Mundial del Agua
22.-28. Mayo 2015
XII Bienal de La Habana

Am 22. Mai 2015 startet die 12. Biennale in Havanna - ein internationales Kunstereignis auf hohem Niveau in einer Stadt voller Kontraste. Die Münchner Künstlerin Lucia Dellefant und ihre kubanische Kollegin Zhenia Couso Martell haben für das offizielle Rahmenprogramm zwei performative Installationen zum Thema Wasser entwickelt:

LA GOTA JUSTA (FAIRDROP) - Lucia Dellefant
CICLO - Zhenia Couso Martell

Begleitend zu den Künstlerprojekten finden interdisziplinäre Workshops und Vorträge in der Kunstakademie und an der Universität Havanna statt.

Science, Art and Economics

In the past few decades water has become a vital issue in thinking about the future of our planet. Can artists sharpen the attention of society on natural resources or create a new outlook on the subject? Artists, scientists and students show, from different viewpoints, how art can communicate around a complex issue such as the economy of water, consumerism and the need for sustainable solutions to this problem. We invite you to an interdisciplinary discussion at the Faculty of Economy and the Higher Institute of Art (ISA).

Guests / Economistas: Dr. Juan Triana Cordoví, (Cuba), Prof. Dr. Nico Grove, (Alemania). Artistas: Zhenia Couso Martell, (Cuba), Fidel Yordán Castro Cabello, (Cuba) Lucia Dellefant, (Alemania), Anton Petz, (Austria) Madeline Brown, (Estados Unidos) Curadores: Juan Carlos Betancourt (Cuba), Dr. Serafine Lindemann (Alemania)